Oil & Gas Litigation

Oil and gas involves a variety of legal fields that require a deep knowledge of the oil and gas industry along with a breadth of legal experience. Astrella Law has experience and proven success litigating many issues involving oil and gas:

  • Trespass Actions Oil and gas operators often use surface land and drill into mineral lands that extend beyond their rights

  • Breach of Contract Parties often disagree over the correct interpretation of a contract, resulting in broken promises

  • Environmental Law Landowners need protection against hazardous accidents associated with oil and gas development

  • Quiet Title Actions Issues arise when people and operators think they own land that belongs to another person

  • Royalty Underpayment Under some leases, oil and gas operators cannot deduct certain costs from landowners' royalties

  • Class Actions Industry practices often have a negative impact on large groups of people, requiring common representation

  • COGCC Regulations The Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission oversees spacing, pooling, spills, well locations and permitting, and other issues